
Dennerle Decor Bonsai Box


Decoration set for freshwater aquaria

  • The “Bonsai” aquarium landscape out of the box
  • Perfect for getting started in aquascaping incl. setup tips
  • Made from 100% natural materials
  • Handmade bonsai in the shape of ‘Kengai’
  • A good choice – with the hand-selected grey stones
  • Simply insert and start right away
  • Natural product, shape and color may vary slightly

1 in stock


Decor Bonsai Box

Simply stunning aquarium landscapes out of the box. With the decoration set ‘Bonsai’ and our help, you can quickly and easily create your own underwater world. We will help you plan, implement and maintain for a perfect experience.

Planting plan & shopping list

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Plant List:

  1. Monte Carlo
  2. Rotala Green
  3. Rotala Nanjenshan
  4. Christmas Moss
  5. Coral Moss (Riccardia Chamedryfolia)
  6. Hydrocotyle Tripartita
  7. Bucephalandra sp. “Kedagabg”

Required Accessories:

NANOCUBE® 30L Complete+ Kit

Carbo Soda – M200

Aqua Elixier (250 ml)

Plant Elixir – 250 ml

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