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  9. Java Moss – Portion
Saturn Shrimp

Java Moss – Portion

  • The most popular aquarium moss
  • Undemanding
  • Very nice on driftwood
  • Use cotton to attach to driftwood
  • Keep trimming to create a bushy effect

19 in stock

Java moss is the most popular aquarium moss there is. It is very undemanding regarding water parameters and lighting, but looks best under strong light and a good nutrient supply. Taxiphyllum barbieri is rather fast-growing and attaches quickly to all surfaces, which makes it an ideal moss for accentuating the hardscape or for hiding technical equipment in the tank. Taxiphyllum barbieri was long erroneously called Vesicularia dubyana in the aquarium hobby. True V. dubyana is also called Java moss, but also Singapore moss.

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