
Aquaforest Red Boost – 200ml


A professional formula of selected micro nutrients and phytohormones for deepening red coloration of the plants. AF Red Boost strengthens the unique colors of red plants by intensifying shades of orange, purple and crimson. Red plants, except chlorophyll, involve other pigments such as: xanthophylls, carotenes, anthocyanins and flavonoids. These pigments determine remarkable red, purple and orange coloration. AF Red Boost increases the number of naturally occurring pigments. The content of phytohormones additionally supports the plant growth and development processes, and also boosts root system’s expansion. The carefully prepared AF Red Boost formula provides plants with all the necessary ingredients, which guarantee a healthy appearance and vibrant, intense plant color.

In the aquarium: for average amount of plants: 4 drops of AF Red Boost per 100 liters of water daily; for large amount of plants: 8 drops of AF Red Boost per 100 l of water daily. Recommended parallel use with AF Macro. Absorbents such as zeolite and/or carbon may reduce effectiveness of the formula. Only for aquatic purposes. Protect from sunlight. Keep at room temperature in a tightly closed container, keep out of reach of children.


1 ml in 10 l of aquarium water will raise levels:

Mg Magnesium 0,28 mg/l (ppm)
Mn Manganese 0,24 mg/l (ppm)
Fe Iron 0,38 mg/l (ppm)
Mo Molybdenum 0,6 µg/l

3 in stock


Acclimation of your shrimp:

We use the rule of three (3)

  • One part is their water that we send them in and 2 parts is your tank water.

Drip Acclimation Tools:

  1. Small tupperware bowl or something similar
  2. Plastic cup or aquarium airline hose
  3. Scissors
  4. Shrimp or fish net
  5. Airline tubing

Removing Shrimp from the Bag:

If you received your shrimp in a breather bag you’ll want to place the bag directly inside the tupperware. Make sure to not pour the shrimp out because they may get stuck inside the bag.

  1. With your scissors, cut the side of the bag, starting from the top. This will let the water pour out the bag and the bag will remain inside the bowl with the shrimp.
  2. Carefully remove the shrimp that remained behind in the bag. You can also dip the bag in the water to achieve this.
  3. Your shrimp should now be inside the tupperware.

Using airline tubing to acclimate:

  1. Allow water to drip into the tupperware with shrimp at 2 – 3 drops per second. Apply the rule of 3 here, One part existing water from shrimp bag and 2 parts your existing tank water. Dripping should take 1 hour to complete. We believe that dripping shrimp for hours on end creates more stress and can harm your newly purchased critters.
  2. Once the water in the tupperware is mainly tank water you can safely introduce your shrimp to your tank.
  3. We have had a 100% success rate with the above method.

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